Looking for Signs – Artworks by Romulo Martinez

Looking for Signs not only speaks of my moment and perception, it also extends to millions of stories and people, who like me, are in a constant search for signs and paths, full of uncertainty and successes, of the Continue reading

Art & Hospitality Happy Hour March 28 – canceled

Join your neighbors and friends at Laura Hunt’s studio where the featured work will be her latest figurative painting. FREE to attend!

“Several themes are evident in my figurative art. Human relationships. Human emotion. Social issues. Empathy. But no matter

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Sharon Neel-Bagley: A Tree’s View of Dallas, TX August 26

August 26th | Artist’s Talk 3:00 | Closing Reception 2pm-4pm

Each branch and log that artist Sharon Neel-Bagley rescues from Dallas County resident’s “brush and bulk” trash was going to the landfill.  … Continue reading