Walt Davis – Landscape Watercolor Workshop

Reserve your seat for the Visual Arts Society of Texas (VAST) sponsored Landscape Watercolor Workshop taught by Artist Walt Davis on September 6, 7, 8.

Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (Sept. 6 & 7); 9:00 am – 3:00 pm (Sept. 8th)

Location: Patterson-Appleton Art Center, 400 E. Hickory, Denton 76201

Fee: $235 VAST Members – dues must be current for 2022-23. To renew or join VAST: https://vastarts.org/membership/

$275 Non-Members

Limit: Maximum 12 attendees

Deposit: $50 – non-refundable deposit holds your spot (refunded if event is not fully subscribed); if attendee must cancel, deposit is forfeited.

Balance: Due by August 27

Use your PayPal Account to remit fees to: [email protected] and designate as “Walt Davis Workshop”

Workshop Coordinators:
Carolyn Johnson and Jo Williams, [email protected] http://vastarts.org

Walt Davis, Biography:

Walt Davis, retired director of the Panhandle-Plains Museum in Texas, spent fifteen years creating wildlife dioramas for the Dallas Museum of Natural History. That work required close observation of wild places and their plant and animal inhabitants – experience that served him well as an award-winning artist. He is a signature member and past president of the Southwestern Watercolor Society and signature member of the American Watercolor Society and Western Federation of Watercolor Societies. He does demonstrations and workshops on drawing, watercolor painting, and nature journaling throughout Texas. He and his wife, Isabel, coauthored the book, Exploring the Edges of Texas – an account of their 4,000-mile circumnavigation of the Lone Star State with illustrations by Walt.

“A landscape” Davis says, “is composed of essential elements (rocks, soil, water, plants, animals) playing their appointed roles according to fundamental principles. A work of art is composed of essential elements as well (line, shape, value, color, texture) obeying different, but no less fundamental, principles. The challenge for an artist is to choreograph a delicate dance between art and nature coaxing the fundamental truth of one to illuminate the fundamental truth of the other.”

To see more of Walt Davis’ art: https://www.waltdavisart.com/