Business Council for the Arts’ (BCA) Leadership Arts Alumni (LAA) is excited to bring back the summer discussion series Connect for the Arts (C4tA) in 2021! C4tA is comprised of online forums for learning and discussion about current challenges facing the North Texas arts and culture non-profit community. This first discussion topic is the importance of equity, diversity and inclusion in nonprofit orgnizations with a focus on board of directors. Following a brief introduction to the session, LAA Steering Committee Vice Chair and Federal Reserve Education Specialist, Cathryn McClellan Kelly, will lead the discussion with panelists Marta Torres, Manager of Partnerships and Transformation for Dallas Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation and Patricia Groce, Founder and Director of The Association for Equadorian Women in North Texas. This event is open to all North Texas arts and culture nonprofits, Leadership Arts Institute graduates interested in continuing education, and BCA member company employees. FREE Online Event May 5th 11am – 12 pm – The Leadership Arts Alumni Steering Committee |