Black Voices – Extended Deadline Nov 22nd


Black Voices Juried Exhibition

Extended Deadline Nov 22nd


Juror: Ciara Elle Bryant

500X Gallery is thrilled to announce our inaugural Black Voices Juried Exhibition for our 2020-21 season! This year’s juror is artist and curator, Ciara Elle Bryant. We welcome all Black artists in the state of Texas, age 18 and over to apply. All entry fees go to a juror’s choice project space show and honorarium for the 2021-2022 season.

ABOUT THE JUROR: Ciara Elle Bryant is a multidisciplinary creative working and residing in Dallas, TX. Bryant holds a Masters ofFine Art from Southern Methodist University. Through photography, video, mixed media, and installations,Bryant discusses blackness by focusing on how identity and culture exist in the new millennium. Bryant also teaches and facilitates artist workshops for youth and adults while working as a practicing artist. Bryant’s approach to research and curatorial practice has been integral to her process of furthering conversations surrounding black culture in art as well as historical studies.

ENTRY FEE & PROCEDURE: $5 entry fee for up to (5) submissions All Proceeds go towards the Juror’s Choice Award Payment: visit our shop website ( and purchase (1) “BLACK VOICES – Juried Exhibition Submission Fee.” Submissions without entry fee will not be considered.

AWARDS: Juror’s Choice Award – honorarium and a solo show in the 500X gallery project space for the 2021-2022 season.

ELIGIBILITY: Black Voices is open to all Black artists over the age of 18 living in Texas. All visual media are eligible, including drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, video, and beyond. For submissions, we are only accepting Google Drive links that contain your submission contents (details and requirements listed on submission form that is linked below).


  • Submission Deadline: November 15th 2020
  • Notifications of Juror’s Choice: November 21st 2020
  • Artwork drop off: November 29th & 30th, 5:00-7:00 pm
  • Exhibition Opening: December 5th 2020
  • Virtual Opening Reception: Details forthcoming
  • Artist and Juror Talks: Details forthcoming
  • Exhibition Close: January 3rd 2020 Artwork return: details forthcoming


Black Voices Juried Exhibition Submission form