BEILI LIU and ARAM HAN SIFUENTES Artist Talk and Reception, March 12

Join us for a special in-gallery performance and artist talk with Beili Liu and Aram Han Sifuentes RSVP NOW FOR MARCH 12


March 12, 2020

6 – 8 PM
Doors open at 5:45 PM
Crow Museum of Asian Art of The University of Texas at Dallas

Dallas Arts District Location
2010 Flora Street
Dallas, Texas 7520

RSVP here

6:00 – 6:30 PM
Beili Liu In-Gallery Performance for Each and Every/Dallas

On the occasion of the launch of the Museum’s Texas Asian Women Artist series and inaugural opening exhibition Beili Liu: One And Another, and in conjunction with her installation Each and Every/Dallas, Austin-based visual artist Beili Liu incorporates a performance in which she sits in protest alongside the installation in silent meditation, mending worn articles of brightly-colored clothing, and using the repetitive act of mending cloth to explore cultural ideas of feminine labor, healing and hope. As an artist, mother and immigrant, the installation and corresponding performance piece was conceptualized in response to the migrant children crisis and the separation of migrant children from their parents at the southern border of the United States.

7 PM
Artist Conversation with
Beili Liu and Aram Han Sifuentes

On the occasion of the launch of the Museum’s Texas Asian Women Artist series and inaugural opening exhibition Beili Liu: One And Another, Austin-based visual artist Beili Liu and Chicago-based fiber and performance artist Aram Han Sifuentes will both speak and provide unique insight into their work, influences, and practices.  Moderated by Janeil Engelstad, Founding Director of Make Art with Purpose (MAP), this conversation is part of the festival MAP2020: The Further We Roll, The More We Gain, which commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution with art and public programs throughout Dallas and Fort Worth, including at the Crow Museum of Asian Art. This conversation will explore how the artists address the themes of migration, immigration, motherhood and identity in their work and invite participation from the audience. 

About the Artists:

Beili Liu is a visual artist who creates material and process-driven, site-responsive installations. Working with commonplace materials and elements such as thread, scissors, paper, stone, fire, and water, Liu manipulates their intrinsic qualities to extrapolate complex cultural narratives. Liu’s work has been exhibited in Asia, Europe, and across the United States. She has held solo exhibitions at venues such as the Ha Gamle Prestegard, Norwegian National Art and Culture Center; Hua Gallery, London, UK; and the Chinese Culture Foundation in San Francisco. Liu has been awarded the 2016 Joan Mitchell Painters and Sculptors Grant, and named the 2018 Texas State Artist in 3D medium by the Texas State Legislature and the Texas Commission on the Arts. Liu’s work has received support from the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Artistic Innovation and Collaboration Grant (Women and Their Work, 2013) and the National Endowment for the Arts (Museum of Southeast Texas, 2014). 

Born in Jilin, China, Liu now lives and works in Austin, Texas. She received her MFA from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and is currently a Professor of Art at The University of Texas at Austin.

Aram Han Sifuentes is a fiber and performance artist who works to claim spaces for immigrant and disenfranchised communities. Her work often revolves around skill sharing, specifically sewing techniques, to create multiethnic and intergenerational sewing circles, which become a place for empowerment, subversion and protest. Solo exhibitions of her work have been exhibited at Jane Addams Hull-House Museum (Chicago, IL), Hyde Park Art Center (Chicago, IL), Chicago Cultural Center (Chicago, IL), Asian Arts Initiative (Philadelphia, PA), Table Art Center (Charleston, IL), University Galleries at Illinois State University (Normal, IL), and Pulitzer Arts Foundation (St. Louis, MO). Her solo exhibition, Talking Back To Power, will be on exhibit at the Skirball Cultural Center (Los Angeles, CA) October 2020 to March 2021.

Aram is a 2016 Smithsonian Artist Research Fellow, 2016 3Arts Awardee, and 2017 Sustainable Arts Foundation Awardee. Her project Protest Banner Lending Library was a finalist for the Beazley Design Awards at the Design Museum (London, UK) in 2016. She earned her BA in Art and Latin American Studies from the University of California, Berkeley, and her MFA in Fiber and Material Studies from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is currently an Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.