MAKING ART FROM HISTORY with Fiber Artist Ellen Frenkel

You are invited to a presentation by Fiber artist Ellen Frenkel on Wednesday, April 5th at 6:45pm at the Patterson-Appleton Arts Center (400 E. Hickory St. Denton, TX). Ms. Frenkel will be talking about her quilt “The 1922 Displacement of the Town of
Quaker in Denton, TX.” The quilt is a 1922 map of Denton overlaid with elements showing the forced movement of the Black community out of Quakertown and into multiple neighborhoods, many
without water, roads, electricity, septic – NOTHING!
Join us to hear about what Ellen has been doing with this quilt and how she is reaching out to the community!

VAST’s Annual High School Art Competition will also be taking place this evening.
The event is free for VAST Members, and $5 for guests


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