NASHER PRIZE MONTH Laureate Senga Nengudi

LEARNLaureate Lecture on March 31, 12 p.m.Hear directly from Laureate Senga Nengudi, who will be in conversation with Linda Goode Bryant–activist, filmmaker, and founder of New York Galley, Just Above Midtown. FREE with RSVP.
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SEESenga Nengudi works on view nowSee four artworks from Laureate Senga Nengudi, which exemplify essential elements of her innovative practice. Now on view with FREE admission in the Public Gallery.
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JOINParticipate in Mountain Moving DayJoin the Nasher as we celebrate Mountain Moving Day (March 19). This family-friendly event features artist-led projects and an opportunity to participate in a celebration that empowers our community.
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