Mirian Hirsch Pastel Workshop – Sponsored by VAST

Reserve your seat for the Mirian Hirsch Pastel Workshop sponsored by the Visual Arts Society of Texas (VAST).
Dates: Feb. 27th – March 1st
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Patterson-Appleton Art Center
400 E. Hickory, Denton 76201


Cost: $235 (VAST Members)
$270 (Non-Members)
Deposit: $50
Balance: Due by Jan. 20
Use personal PayPal Account to remit to:
[email protected] and designate as
“Marian Hirsch Workshop”
or mail check to VAST Arts Treasurer P.O. Box 1281,
Denton, TX 76202
Workshop Coordinators: Carolyn Johnson, [email protected] and Jo
Williams [email protected]
Marian Hirsch, Biography:
Marian Hirsch’s mastery of the pastel medium has garnered her signature status in the Pastel Society of America and Pastel Society of the Southwest. Her vibrant color sense brought her pastel landscape paintings to the attention of corporate collectors and galleries.
She has been featured in a number of magazines showcasing her painting, such as International Artist, Pastel Journal, and the greatly missed American Artist Magazine. She was a speaker at the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS) convention. Her entries into juried competitions have
garnered many awards and she continues to share her expertise with the soft pastel medium to local art
groups and classes.
Find out more about her art on
her website, where the many mediums she utilizes are showcased.
Her evening Landscape demo will illustrate her typical pastel working methods. Her pastel paintings are composed in the studio from research material gathered on location. She will share some of those sketchbooks and field paintings in watercolor and oil.



For more about VAST see http://vastarts.org