Texas Commission for the Arts grants deadlines

Texas Commission on the Arts | 920 Colorado, 5th Floor, Austin, TX 78701

TCA has a few upcoming application deadlines. As always, the TCA staff is happy to discuss your goals and eligibility to determine which programs are right for you—you can schedule a virtual appointment with a staff member. You may also request that a TCA staff member review your application and provide feedback. Ideally, these draft review requests would be made at least two weeks before the application deadline.  

Grant Program: Arts Respond Performance Support  This program provides professional artist fees to Texas nonprofits, schools, colleges, and units of government for hiring an artist from the Texas Touring Roster to do a performance. These applications are funded based on a percentage of contracted fees. TCA has oriented the artists on the 2020-2022 Texas Touring Roster and is allowing presenters to hire them for live streaming interactive arts activities while social distancing is still in place. If you are hiring them for a planned in-person event, we encourage you and the artist to discuss a contingency plan in case that event cannot be held as anticipated, and to outline that plan in the performance contract. Please let us know if you have questions about the plan you are considering.  Activity dates must occur: Between June 15, 2022 and August 31, 2022  Application deadline: Midnight on May 2, 2022  Application form: Online Resources: Grant guidelinescontact TCA staff

Designation Program: Cultural Districts Designation This program designates special zones in Texas cities and communities that harness the power of cultural resources to stimulate economic development and community revitalization. Application deadline: Letter of intent to apply due January 30; application due June 15  Application form: On Cultural Districts Program page Resources: Program guidelinescontact TCA staff

Grant Program: Cultural District Projects This program is designed for projects that focus on significant cultural tourism projects happening in a designated cultural district, by established arts organizations that are based in the cultural district and authorized to apply by their cultural district’s managing entity. Activity dates must be: Between September 1, 2022 and August 31, 2023 Application deadline: Midnight on June 15, 2022 Application form: Available soon for eligible organizations on TCA’s grants system Resources: Grant guidelinescontact TCA staff