Using Video & Photography to Market and Sell Your Art, Product or Service Virtually (free via Zoom)

Join us for the The Mix Creative Space “How To” Speaker Series for Artists & Creatives via Zoom

Focus on: Using video and photography to market your art during these challenging times.
Speaker: Dexter Evans – Founder Blue Bear Media

RSVP to Andrea Lamarsaude (Co-Founder & Marketing Director – The Mix Creative Space) at [email protected] to receive link to Zoom meeting.

Dexter will walk us through a variety of free and low cost ways to use video and photography to help you market and sell your art virtually during these challenging times.

Dexter Evans Bio
Dexter Evans is the Owner & Founder of Blue Bear Media, a full-service video production and post production company.
Dexter has over 16 years experience in videography, video production, professional photography and communications and media.

See some of Dexter’s portfolio of work at