2020 Arts & Health Webinar:
Circadian Rhythm and Healthy Creative Rituals
What’s the biological basis for circadian rhythm? How can businesses and employees, especially those operating with flexible or non-standard office hours, achieve success without sacrificing workforce wellness? How can creatives — professional and amateur — mitigate stress and anxiety using proven methods to cultivate healthy, creative rituals?
Join us for an exploration of the biological, commercial and creative
implications of circadian rhythm. We’ll be joined by field experts Dr.
Joseph Takahashi (UT Southwestern Medical Center) and Andrew Moore-Ede
(Circadian ZircLight), with discussion moderated by KERA News Mental
Health reporter Syeda Hasan.
This year’s Arts and Health webinar series focuses on the power of the arts to bring hope and healing to North Texas, spotlighting innovative thought-leaders in art therapy, brain-healthy office and lighting design and much more.
Thu, June 18, 2020 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CDT. FREE
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-arts-health-webinar-circadian-rhythm-and-healthy-creative-rituals-tickets-99370389510 Register through EventBrite