News from The Cedars Union – virtual programs on artists and the law


Hello from The Cedars Union! 

Our March news will sound familiar, as we found ourselves with a list of cancelled programs. We hope to reschedule these most of the events in later months. While we bemoan the loss of our three-party event in the Boedeker, TRIPTYCH, we are grateful for the relationships made during its planning and will look for other ways to celebrate with you in the future.

We did get in a Lunch+Learn earlier this month (pictured above) where Michael Heinlein taught tips on writing a solid artist statement. Moving into April we’ve regrouped and will be offering lectures via webinar. Visit the bottom of this email to see a short list of April programs you can stream and participate with from home.

The month began happily with eight of our fifteen new Studio Artist Members moving in and receiving their first orientation. Due to the city wide shut down we are unable to move in the remainder of Cohort 2 until further notice. In the meantime all of our membership payments have been paused and we are continuing a sense of community through phone, a chat service called Slack, and our new facility booking software Proximity. We look forward to sharing our space with artists again but are happy to see so many CU members continue to create at home.


Wed. April 8: Lunch+Learn: Being An Artist in the Time of COVID-19
12-1:30PM through Webinar
Free with Registration
Prepare your lunch and tune in as Tom Maddrey and Michael Heinlein discuss being an artist during these unusual times. The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly upended the way the art, artists, and the entire world works. Especially hard hit are creatives and other freelancers who are seeing outlets for their work, and their own businesses, crumble. In this webinar presented by Maddrey PLLC, Arts Counsel Texas and The Cedars Union, Tom examines the overall landscape, what artists should be thinking about if their galleries have closed or their commissions have ended, and what “force majeure” really is. There will be an opportunity for Live Q&A during the event with an option to view later. 
Thu. April 16: Contracts in the Time of Corona: What Creatives Need to Know
5-6PM through Webinar Free with Registration
Join Cedars Union and Art & Entertainment Lawyer Sammetria Goodson as we discuss contract interpretation, cancellation clauses and ways to protect yourself during a crisis.
This webinar is free but requires registration. Registrants can tune in live with Q and A at 5:00pm or watch later. 
Thu. April 23: Legal Clinic: Legal Counsel for Creatives 5:30-7PM through Zoom
Free for CU Members / CU Membership Required
Offered by Arts Counsel Texas, the legal clinic offers one-on-one support to creatives from art law experts. Purchase tickets for the time in which you want to speak to an attorney to reduce wait time. Consultation is limited to artists or creative freelancers.