April News from Visual Arts League of Lewisville

Due to the coronavirus, the MCL Grand (where VAL holds its meetings & exhibits) is closed until May 11. This means our April meeting will have to be cancelled. The VAL Board meeting will be held by email with discussions on how we will handle our plans for the future.  All VAL Lunch Meet Ups are also postponed until further notice. We’ll send an email when we can move forward with our monthly gatherings!

Sharing Art from Isolation

With so many art shows and galleries being closed for now (including the MCL Grand), VAL wants to provide ways to stay connected and offer inspiration for our “sheltered in place” artists!

VAL members — you are invited to share a favorite art quote, photo of a work in progress or recently completed, even videos. These will be shared through our various VAL forums — so let’s get busy offering inspiration to our fellow artists!
Please send your quotes and photos to ALL of the following so that they may determine the best placement:

Tina Alvarez offers this quote to get things started: “Not everything you create will be a masterpiece. But you get out there and you try… and sometimes it really happens. The other times you are just stretching your soul.”—Maya Angelou

News on Fresh Ideas 2019 Winner Solo Show

At this time, our gallery schedule is still intact as we anticipate the reopening of the MCL Grand according to Aaron Kays of the MCL Grand. 

Donald Matheson, VAL member and our 2019 Fresh Ideas winner is undergoing chemotherapy and radiation and is not physically able to produce his solo show. Our hearts go out to him and his family at this time, as we wish him recovery and freedom from the corona virus. His sons will bring 2 pieces that will be hung together on their own wall as Donald’s solo show and to honor him.  

The rest of the gallery will then need to be filled with the VAL member support show “Color Dance.” We will need to fill the gallery with this show, so please plan to enter. Lisa Chittenden, curator, will have the prospectus out soon. As originally planned, the show will still be free of any entry fee. The show is not jurored or judged, except there will be a members only vote for Best of Show with a gift certificate as the prize. This is a wonderful opportunity to have your art in the gallery. Tentatively, there will be a reception for Color Dance. Normally, we do not have a reception for the support show because the Fresh Ideas winner is responsible for the reception for their show, but these are unusual circumstances. Watch for emails with updated information.

VAL 2020 Show Schedules

June 13 – July 11 – Fresh Ideas Winner Solo Show
June 13 – July 11 – Color Dance
July 18 – Aug. 15 – Fresh Ideas
Sept. 26 – Oct. 24 – Melodies of the Soul
Sept. 26 – Oct. 24 – Circus of the Absurd (Installation)
North Corridor
Feb. 29 – Strike TBD. Watch for email – Celebrated Artists’ Inspiration
May 23 – June 20 – Lost in a Garden
Aug. 15 – Sept. 26 – Adventures in Wonderland
Nov. 21 – Dec. 26 – Baby, It’s Cold Outside

About VALhttps://visualartleague.org/

The Mission of the Visual Art Leagueof Lewisville
The Mission of the Visual Art League is to promote the visual arts through education and exhibitions for the enrichment of the individual and the community. The Visual Art League supports the visual arts by providing the facilities for instruction in wide-ranging aspects of the arts such as drawing, painting, sculpture, and fine crafts, and providing gallery space for exhibitions in a variety of media.

The MCL Grand is made possible through the generous support of the Greater Lewisville Arts Council and the City of Lewisville.