Top 5 Trends To Be Implemented In An Up-to-date Art Gallery

Submitted by Michael Gorman, guest writer.

Art galleries have been around for centuries, but they rarely ever changed their setups and the overall appearance. But the world has made substantial progress in the last couple of decades and a modern art gallery ( ) has to respond to the changes.

After all, the year is 2020 and there is no reason to neglect the state of the art tools, trends, and principles that can attract more visitors to your place. Studies show some serious fluctuations ( ) in museum and art gallery attendance in the 21st century, thus warning general managers to pay attention to visitors’ preferences in the long run.

A report notes that attracting new audiences will be crucial, but doing so will require uncomfortable changes ( You can make the whole thing less painful if you approach the process strategically, embrace the new mindset, and apply cutting-edge features to the marketing plan.

Our goal is to help you with that, so keep reading to learn the top five trends that you should implement in an up-to-date art gallery. Let’s take a look!

Cooperate with social influencers
It seems like the entire world has gone online these days, which is exactly why you should invest in digital marketing to promote your art gallery. Reports reveal that there are approximately four billion Internet users in the world today, while over two billion people use social networks on a daily basis.

This is exactly where social media influencers step into play to help you market the art gallery. What is influencer marketing? By definition, it is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placement from individuals who have a purported expert level of knowledge ( ) or social influence in their field.

When it comes to the art gallery, you should think about hiring a person who is known for his/her influence on target audiences in your field of interest. It is up to you to discover the ideal partner, but the list of 10 art influencers ( ) is definitely a good way to start.

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Use live streaming for promotion
The problem with traditional art galleries is that they seldom think about the whole legion of art lovers who are not physically present on-site. You can overcome the issue through simple live streaming.

Live videos do not require professional film-making gear, but rather a smartphone and a little bit of enthusiasm from your side. All it takes is to go live from one of your art gallery events and take your digital audiences through the most important works.

Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the hottest trends in the business universe because it adds value to the consumer’s journey. However, the same logic applies to art galleries as you can take advantage of AR to ensure better and more convenient experiences for your visitors.

A great example of AR in practice comes from a furniture manufacturer IKEA. The company developed a mobile app called IKEA Place ( ) to help people choose the perfect piece of furniture for their homes.

It’s a relatively simple trick that you can test, too.

For example, you can create a digital catalog of gallery artworks and let users see how a given painting would look like in their apartments or houses. Of course, there are many other ways to exploit AR for marketing purposes, but it’s up to you to get creative and figure out the finest solution.

Make use of interactive content
Modern marketing is all about making the audiences feel like they are becoming an integral part of the whole setup, which is why so many art galleries are now taking advantage of interactive content. Instead of walking through the gallery and observing artworks, visitors should be given the opportunity to engage.

How come?

One solution is to craft an art gallery app and let visitors play with their favorite artists’ works. For example, they could change colors on popular paintings or insert more details based on personal tastes and preferences.

Another easy way to make your fans engaged is by creating online surveys. The purpose is to discover the opinions of art lovers and let them make a decision on one of your future exhibitions. It’s not a difficult process because a digital tool like Survey Monkey ( ) enables you to design beautiful opinion polls in a matter of minutes.

Provide personalized content
The last tip on our list is to provide art gallery fans with highly personalized content experiences. It’s a major trend in the art world because people don’t like to be treated as members of a larger cohort, but rather as individuals with their distinct traits and preferences.

Remember how Amazon always displays items similar to the ones you’ve already bought? This is exactly what you can do to impress website visitors – show them content that strongly relates to their previous interactions with your gallery.

The same goes for email newsletters. First of all, you should address recipients by their names to make them feel more comfortable. Secondly, the content should match their needs and interests. Although it may seem difficult at first, email automation platforms make it a lot easier to interact with subscribers and achieve the highest level of personalization.

The Bottom Line
A 21st-century art gallery manager must not be inert and hope for art lovers to discover the place on their own. On the contrary, they have to be very agile and diligent in an attempt to attract fresh audiences and spread the word about new collections.

In this post, we discussed the top five trends that you should implement in an up-to-date art gallery. Which tactic do you consider to be the most important here? Have you already tested any of these principles?

Make sure to share your thoughts and ideas in the comments – our readers would love to hear more about your art gallery experiences!

Michael Gorman is an essay writer ( ) at the paper writing service ( ) and a part-time blogger at the essay writing service ( Michael specializes in digital marketing, but he also enjoys writing about art-related themes. Besides that, Michael is the father of two kids and a passionate long-distance runner.