Workshop with Leticia Garcia on Wednesdays – February 5, 12, 19 & 26 : 7PM-9PM BILINGUAL
Location : Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr. Irving TX 75061
Sponsored by Irving Art Association
Painting with Texture / Pintura con texturas
Trabajaremos en 2 pinturas con texturas diferentes hechas con bola de aluminio, toalla de papel y uso minimo de pincel. Un toque abstracto. Febrero 5, 12, 18 y 26.
We will work on two paintings with different textures created with aluminium ball, paper towel and minimum use of a brush. Abstract touch. February 5, 12, 18 and 26. Thank you.
Instruccion gratis. $10.00 Costo de materiales. Pague en la primer clase.
FREE instruction. $10 materials fee. Pay at the class
Registration required. REGISTRO/REGISTER
Art Instructor – Lety Garcia ( [email protected] )
Free workshop / event with materials fee collected at workshop by IAA, Collect payment through IAA’s billing system (fees may be deducted up front) Registration required. REGISTRO /REGISTER