TVAA’s Summer Open Call for July exhibit

This show is open to all mediums of work, all sizes, and any subject. This is our Summer open call.

ELIGIBILITY:  This is open to members and non-members of TVAA (Texas Visual Artists Association) with ribbons being awarded to Best of Show, 1st, 2nd 3rd place, and honorable mention.  Cash awards for Best in Show and 1st place!

Fees must be paid at the time of submission via the online form. $30.00 for up to 3 images for Members and $45.00 for up to 3 images for Non-Members.

Location: TVAA Downtown Gallery, 700 North Pearl Street, Suite H106, Dallas TX 75201

Curator: Lina Rincon-Hoover

Submission Deadline:             Friday, June 14th @ midnight
Acceptance Notification:        Friday, June 22nd
Deliver artwork:                      Saturday, June 29th from 10-2pm,
Exhibit Open to the Public:    During Gallery business hours; Tuesday-Sat
Reception:                               Saturday, July 13th from 4-6pm,
Pick up artwork:                      Saturday, August 3rd from 10-2pm