TAG Meeting March 4 – Donna Bland oil demo

The next Trinity Arts Guild meeting will be on Monday, March 4, 2019.

Location: Trinity Arts Guild Gallery, Bedford Boys Ranch, 2819 R. D. Hurt Pkwy., Bedford, TX 76095-0671(817) 283-1422  www.trinityartsguild.net

Guest demo artist will be Donna Bland. Visitors are welcome.

Reception & awards for Spring Members Show 6:30 pm
Demonstration 7:00 pm

Donna Bland, Artist

Impressionistic Original Oil Paintings

Donna Bland lives and paints in the Austin, Texas area. She has been an artist all her life starting in kindergarten. Painting daily in her studio, plein air or teaching a workshop, subjects are unlimited. Don- na loves to learn, create and share what she has expe- rienced in finishing a painting. No words to describe the joy in painting outdoors in the Texas Hill Country, Colorado or Mexico.

My passion is creating an oil painting that reminds someone of a special moment, place or person in their lives.

When she first started painting in Georgia, Donna was taught to paint scenes that interested her. Painting what interest her adds a feeling of excitement into her painterly strokes. Painting outdoors (en Plein Aire) is a wonderful way to study light and shadow as the day unfolds. Painting a portrait is especially fun be- cause I get to know the people or create a scene from a person’s life. “From outdoor scenes, to portraits, to still life – I love it all,” Each canvas is the opportunity to create a new design made of various colors and shapes. It is truly a blessing to be an artist and share people’s experiences, culture and dreams through art.

She formally studied art at The Student Art League of New York, Scottsdale School of Art, University of Georgia and Tyler Jr. College in Texas. And, has been fortunate to paint with modern day masters through- out the United States as well as Europe. Continuing to study and read works by John Singer Sargent, Nicolai Fechin, Joaquin Sorolla and Emile Gruppe’ lends its influence in her work.